Yumi Sakses

Provider of English language, IELTS exam Preparation and Life Skills courses in Vanuatu and Pacific Islands.

    Available courses

    This program provides resources to assist people in improving their report writing. It is suitable for people working in NGOs or public service who need to write regular reports.

    The program can be used alongside regular classes or as an unpaced self-development program.

    These resources cover all novels ad short stories prescribed or suitable for English Years 7 -13. Included are Short Story /Novel analysis as well as figurative language and poetic devices used in poetry. Resources include PDF versions, audiobooks, film versions and study notes for many novels, short storeis and poems.

    There is also a section on debating.

    This resource unit will begin in Jan 2022 and aims to provide principals and teachers with resources to assist them in conducting professional development sessions in schools for teachers.

    A new topic will be offered each week and principals /teachers can use these videos, powerpoints and handouts to plan PD within the school.

    Proposed topics will include  Lesson Planning, Learning Theory, Effective Questioning,  Differentiation, 21st  Century Education, School Safety and Disaster Preparedness,  Anti-Bulling, Alternatives to  Corporal Punishment, Positive Psychology, Special Needs, Critical Thinking, Time Management  and others.

    This resource unit  will help  princpals, teachers and parents on special needs and disabilities..

    It can be used  as a reference, as a professional development resource in schools or to raise awareness among students in the classroom.

    Areas covered inlude attention deficit syndrom, sight and hearing impairment, celebral palsy Downs Syndrome, Delayed Cogntive Development, albinoism, dwarfism and autism and many more.

    Materias wil include explanations, insights into living with these conditions and strategies to help teaching individuals with a disability or special learning need in the classroom.

    I have chosen the best resources off You Tube and internet websites to make the resource unit interesting and informative.

    This course is designed to enable current year 8 students to ; 

    •  achieve better in the National Vanuatu Curriculum Exams
    •  study productively at home in case of another School shut down

    It is also a useful resource to help Teachers enliven their lessons and capture the engagement of students by using relevant visual digital resources.

    The resources will cover; 

    • Full English Grammar Review
    • A writing workshop
    • Novels, Short Stories and Poems
    • The essential Math units
    • Four Science Units
    • Agriculture
    • French
    • Social Studies

    There are also some resources advising Teachers and Students on our to use videos actively as learning tools in the classrooms ( or at home ) rather than passive viewing which has little educational benefits.

    This course will give senior secondary students and school leavers some of the skills to useful to find employment and to perform well in the job. The course content includes:

    The  twenty five (25) topics will be covered over two ten week courses..


    Course Outline by Topics (two per week)



    Getting Along with Others


    Communication skills


    Job Hunting


    Topic 1:

    Who am I? What are my values?

    Topic 8:

    Time Management

    Topic 15:

    What is good communication?

    Topic 21:

    Preparing a CV


    Topic 2:

    What is success?

    Topic 9:

    Emotional Intelligence dealing with difficult people and situations

    Topic 16:

    Formal and Informal Language

    Topic 22:

    Words to do with Work



    Topic 3:

    What is my purpose in Life? ikigai

    Finding your calling and choosing a career.

    Topic 10:

    Talking to foreigners – making a conversation

    Topic 17:

    Writing  formal letters

    Topic 23:

    Application letter for a job



    Topic 4:

    Setting goals –short-term, long-term

    Making an Action Plan

    Topic 11:

    Language of participating in meetings

    Topic 18:

    Writing emails

    Topic 24:

    How to answer interview questions



    Topic 5:

    Increasing your Confidence and self-esteem

    Topic 12:

    Customer service basics

    Topic 19:

    Answering the phone

    Topic 25:

    mock interviews




    Topic 6:

    Habit building and breaking

    Topic 13:  


     Topic 20: Personal Budgeting

     Topic 24:

    Starting a Small Business.

    Topic 7:

    Substance Abuse

    Alcohol, tobacco and drugs –how addiction  can harm your progress.

     Topic  14:

    Problem Solving




    This is a non-accredited, non-formal course which give you the English language skills to function more efficiently at work. Content includes the English  language vocabulary and grammar needed for:

    Topics to be covered include:

    1.       Communication Model and Skills

    2.       Formal, Neutral and Informal Language

    3.       Writing Business Letters and Emails

    4.       Handling Complaints and Dealing with Difficult People at Work

    5.       Time Management

    6.       Presentation Skills

    7.       Participating and Chairing Meetings

    8.       Negotiation Skills

    9.       Report Writing Conventions

    10.   Introduction to Entrepreneurship

    In 2023, the IELTS Academic Test will be held on Thurs 6 July (Reading, Writing, Listening - paper exam) and Fri 7 July Speaking (online via Zoom) .

    There will be 12 preparation lessons on Tuesdays s 6.00 -7.30 p.m. at my house in Nambatu.

    Every lesson and  resources will be posted on n this Moodle page. This is so we can cut  the cost of photocopying, and can help those studnets who cannot attend courses because theu live in the provinces, are sick or otherwise busy.

    It is also a risk mitigation measure so that we can continue even if there is another COVID or other pandeic shut-down or natural disaster or if I get sick nd cannot teach.

    I urge you to keep up with the lessons posted  each week. I will cover every aspect of the four skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing plus common grammar mistakes made and vocabulary expansion.

    I wish you happy studying (it will be hard work) and greatest success in the forthcoming IELTS tests

    This is the second half  of the ten week course is suitable for students preparing to take the IELTS exam for further study or immigration to Australia and New Zealand. 

    It is also suitable for university students, secondary Year 12 & 13 & university students, teachers and other professionals who already have an intermediate level of English wanting to further  improve their English.

    It has over 80 lessons and over 800 video and text resources.

    The course is divided into five streams, one lesson of each offered every week. These are:

    • IELTS communication skills practice (Reading, Listening and Speaking)
    • Writing workshop including essays, formal letters and graph description.
    • a thorough revision of English grammar
    • vocabulary extension in the most common themes 
    • a mini-course in study and test-taking skills.

    Participants are invited from Vanuatu, PNG, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Tuvalu and beyond.

    This ten week course is suitable for students preparing to take the IELTS exam for further study or immigration to Australia and New Zealand. 

    It is also suitable for university students, secondary Year 12 & 13 & university students, teachers and other professionals who already have an intermediate level of English wanting to further  improve their English.

    It has over 80 lessons and over 800 video and text resources.

    The course is divided into five streams, one lesson of each offered every week. These are:

    • IELTS communication skills practice (Reading, Listening and Speaking)
    • Writing workshop including essays, formal letters and graph description.
    • a thorough revision of English grammar
    • vocabulary extension in the most common themes 
    • a mini-course in study and test-taking skills.

    Participants are invited from Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Fiji and beyond.